This is where you will find pages that cover past events. It's seems like a big attraction on our site so I will try to get as much new things up as posible. If you were there, and you have any pictures you want posted, send them in and GIT UP! THis site is here for you to use. It represents effort. Everything that happens @ UPROC happens because of effort. It sure is nice to see all this effort collected and documented. THank you EVERYONE! enjoy our new additions.
CLICK the pictures to look at the pages you want.

Center Street Daze 2005 Center Street 2005 link
B Boy Night Jan. 17th 2005
b boy night photo show
Blockparty June 19th 2004
june 19th 2004
Locust St. 2004 locust st 2004
Block Party 1 , 2003
blockparty 1 03 pics
Block Party 2, 2003
block party 2 03 pics
Julian Correa Gallery Night Dec 20, 2003
julian g night pics
Center St. Celebration 2003
center st 03 pics
Solstice Party North Ave. 2003
Locust ST. Festival 2003
locust st 03 pics
links page button

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